RYLA Student Applications
Welcome to RYLA applications for students. We are happy you are interested in growing your service leadership skills! If you are a Rotarian, please visit our Rotarian Page.
Before you begin completing your application, please follow these suggestions and guidelines:
1) Please use a personal e-mail address. Sometimes, e-mail is accidentally filtered or blocked by school e-mail protections. You will receive a great deal of important communication via e-mail, and we do not want you to miss out on those messages.
2) Please contact your local Iowa Rotary Club and let them know you want to attend RYLA. Your local Rotary club must know your interest before you begin your application. If you are unsure of your Rotary Club, please visit this link: Local Iowa Rotary Clubs. If you are still having issues, please e-mail chair-elect@iowaryla.org.
3) You will complete your application via our online Google Form. As you progress through it, please consider saving some of your longer answers in a separate document, such as a word processor or notes doc, if you encounter a problem and need to start again.​